
ZEPETO Avatar Store and Strategy

Just as with Roblox and other platforms, DRESSX is excited to offer comprehensive support for launching your collection on the Zepeto avatar shop.

From the initial concept creation to 3D development, system integration, and platform launch, our dedicated team is with you every step of the way. We handle all aspects of your collection's journey, including naming, description creation, category allocation, and platform ingestion expenses, ensuring a smooth and successful launch.

Drawing on our extensive experience in marketing activations tailored specifically for Zepeto wearables, DRESSX is equipped to enhance your brand's visibility and drive success within the Zepeto community. We not only guide you through the process but also create compelling Zepeto content for your launch. Additionally, we develop marketing strategies to promote your collection within the platform and collaborate with native Zepeto influencers to maximize impact. Let us help you navigate the vibrant world of Zepeto and unlock the full potential of your brand.